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Cooperative Financial Network begins tests for new payments procedure

The Paypers

Cooperative Financial Network has pioneered a new procedure for Request-to-Pay, a digital invoicing solution, minimising costs and shaping the future of European transactions.

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PCI DSS Requirement 2 – Changes from v3.2.1 to v4.0 Explained


Requirement and Testing Procedures Section 2.1: Requirement and Testing Procedures 2.2.1 Requirement and Testing Procedures 2.2.2 Requirement and Testing Procedures 2.2.3 Requirement and Testing Procedures 2.1.1 PCI DSS v3.2.1 PCI DSS v4.0 that are essential for the system’s function.

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ESMA launches selection procedure for bonds consolidated tape provider


The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EUs financial markets regulator and supervisor, is launching the first selection procedure for the Consolidated Tape Provider (CTP) for bonds.

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Understanding the Cyber Risks in Video Communication


Define who can create and manage meetings and establish procedures for sharing meeting links and passwords to control access. Additionally, conduct regular training sessions to educate staff on recognizing phishing attempts, the importance of using strong, unique passwords, and procedures for reporting suspicious activities.

Risk 275
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PCI DSS Requirement 9 – Changes from v3.2.1 to v4.0 Explained


specifically to visitor access procedures. Broadened to observe and interview for CDE-wide visitor management procedures. Same principle but adapted to check procedures across the CDE. Testing Procedures Suggests verifying protection procedures include media and reviewing backup location security. Increased scope.

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Data Breaches 101: What They Are And How To Prevent Them


And painful account recovery procedures await all users who must reset passwords across potentially dozens of breached websites. Worse yet, there is irreparable reputation damage and loss of customer trust that destroys brands after high-profile incidents.

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Discover finds tech upskilling model in Chicago hub

Payments Dive

The card issuer looks at the Chatham call center and technology hub as a model for site selections, hiring procedures, customer service experience and community development.